
Changes in v2.0.7.7 (26-8-2024)

  1. Create responsive scalable patterns
  2. Correct type in vragenlijst
  3. Check bron in content-koop
  4. Check font in planner
  5. Check length of title vragenlijst
  6. Connect Monitor to leertraject
  7. Create better naam-onderhoud from leermodule
  8. Hide filenames of video in vragenlijst
  9. Change text of button in subgroup
  10. Change text for alerts when submitting
  11. Alignment text before switch
  12. Add naam-onderhoud in overview in planner page
  13. Add content leerassortiment into aanmeldforms
  14. Add fields multilanguage in leerassortiment
  15. Add options to change colour and background of leerplein
  16. Add the answers to toetsen for trainer role user
  17. Add user from subgroup to main group
  18. Add back to parent page button for reflectieteam
  19. Improve close leermodule button in preview mode
  20. Improve layout responsive vragenlijst
  21. Improve mail notification
  22. Improve delete feature in popup
  23. Improve logic when share leertraject to group
  24. Improve Ontwikkelwijzer
  25. Improve certificate
  26. Improve login alert
  27. Improve UX/UI of Media manager
  28. Improve start and end times
  29. Improve popup info user in group

Changes in v2.0.7.6 (23-8-2024)

  1. Mijn.Ardis: Acculader check savefileds
  2. Intromodule: check and fix
  3. Fix copy question to other Vragenlijst
  4. Content toegang improvement
  5. Improve layout admin pages
  6. Fix images don't work
  7. Fix bug because of missing klanttekst, whitelist
  8. Planner: Improve function remove timeslots
  9. Create link to EDIT item in CBT-previewer
  10. GROUPS: Improve filter option
  11. Update master for English klanttekst
  12. Leerassortiment: Create report of usage
  13. Remove the block Aanmelder away from IP-block
  14. Expand property tab with cancelation email text
  15. Show EN-subtitles default
  16. Show subtitles on video
  17. Correct text of pop-up
  18. Correct Porfolio in settings
  19. Correct alert requirement in VL
  20. Leerroute: Make klantteksts
  21. Leerroute: (with choosing a sorting) delete chosen one
  22. Change code into klanttekst
  23. Change destination after click on name subgroup
  24. Change link of logo left bottom corner
  25. Aanmeldform: dates of content do not work
  26. Aanmeldform: Change “ , “ into a “ ; “
  27. Aanmeldform: Creating Group system does not work
  28. Aanmeldform: User who come in E500 through Aanmeldform
  29. Aanmeldformulier: Improve layout dropdown
  30. Add change language-buttons in Homeblock
  31. Add 2FA by mail
  32. Add code for 360 in new domain
  33. Check code and problems with vragenlijst.js
  34. Check security of pagina.asp
  35. Check working of Credit in Content toegang
  36. Check function deel evaluatie uit in group
  37. Check and improve responisiveness 360
  38. Check working of Dagdeelblok
  39. Check CKEditor broken
  40. Check styles CKEditor
  41. Improve and add icons for certificaat
  42. Improve cronjobs
  43. Improve copy CBT
  44. Improve progress bar
  45. Improve start and end date in Monitors
  46. Improve Popup Leerassortiment
  47. Improve open click on groupname
  48. Improve mobile responsive to show full content (Planner, Popup Mijn gegevens, Vragenlist)
  49. Fixed Share Actionplan (actieplan/ontwikkelplan) does not mail
  50. Fixed Subtitles on video
  51. Fixed Missing class
  52. Fixed Multi language on organisation level
  53. Fixed Styles in MM
  54. Fixed Problem in creating single page
  55. Fixed Creating and adding label to user
  56. Fixed CBT-Item: Copy Item gives error
  57. Fixed Problem with the same questions in monitor
  58. 360: Settings for report and mailing
  59. 360: Add option to add placeholder in text block
  60. 360: Report: Change save as name
  61. 360: Change way of scoring on first page in report 360
  62. 360: Add page top and bottom items in e500-360-report
  63. 360: Change image for scoring
  64. 360: Use sorting from list in report
  65. 360: In new domain check for Ardis hard coded

Changes in v2.0.7.5 (20-3-2024)

  1. Fixed error redo function of vragenlijst in leertrajecten
  2. Fixed wrong text in the popup notification of forgot password function
  3. Add Documenten-icon to top menu bar
  4. Sync all the old table to the new table
  5. Improved organization's UX/UI
  6. Add correct link for button of group on admin home
  7. Add preview content-toegang function in aanmeldform page
  8. Check and improve the number of users in the subgroup
  9. Add action to adding button
  10. AAP with no date doesn't work correctly
  11. Fixed copy function item of leermodule
  12. 360 report: Remove blank pages
  13. 360 report: Correct alignment of text and input
  14. 360 report: unordered list looks strange
  15. 360 report: check width elements

Changes in v2. (15-3-2024)

  1. Remove "gender / geslacht" field out of source code
  2. Change font style for onepager in e500 domain
  3. Check 2FA in E500 and fix mandatory option
  4. Remove "gender / geslacht" field out of source code
  5. Change font style for onepager in e500 domain
  6. 360: Add dates for invites
  7. 360: Add date when user answered his questionaire
  8. 360: Create a button to back home of 360feedback
  9. 360: Improve line spacing of open question
  10. 360: Change tab title in leiderschapsontwikkeltraject domain
  11. 360: Synchronize the style of the report print button
  12. 360: Show image everywere on new domain
  13. 360: Add dates for invites

Changes in v2.0.7.4 (1-2-2024)

  1. Improved the close button of the toetsen in the UI
  2. Improved workflow and styles of the subgroup
  3. Added Word export feature in the report
  4. Improved logic when deleting an item in leermodule
  5. Improved logic when press the back and next buttons after content is changed but it's not saved
  6. Improved headings styles in the UI
  7. Improved styles of popup confirm in the annmeldform feature
  8. Added styles copy button from previous content in item of leermodule
  9. Improved timeout for hiding notifications

Changes in v2.0.7.3 (7-12-2023)

  1. Check notification in chat function
  2. Vraag - Check Error of function Toevoegen Aan monitor
  3. CBT: Resize fullscreen option not optimal
  4. Missing score after saving wizzard in VL
  5. Kennischeck bugs
  6. Improve function restart Toet
  7. Content of archived groups - visibility
  8. Check error in document
  9. Check date in content of user
  10. Fix Error on Production
  11. Improve layout leerassortiment
  12. Monitoren: add comment-field
  13. Improve label in put in vraag
  14. Improve redirect page in group
  15. Update VL-herkansing option
  16. Check alert when submiting
  17. Improve UX/UI in start and end date
  18. Translate security setting-tab into Dutch
  19. Change order of items in security settings
  20. Remove small texts
  21. Check cronjobs and re-activate

Changes in v2.0.7.2 (15-11-2023)

  1. Validate data before create or update data in organization's project
  2. Create duplicate Vraag function in Vragenpool
  3. Fixed issue start and end date of monitor belongs to group
  4. Validate data before create new languages
  5. Lable in Content te koop got error
  6. BUG in Hoover in LT-edit
  7. PL: No background image on top of PL
  8. Hidden "groepen overview invoice" and "rechten Mbt deze pagina" buttons in client
  9. Improved start/end date input layout in the preview of monitor
  10. Improved user search layout in the backend
  11. Reduce size of image in portfolio page
  12. Improve user information layout in front end
  13. Change text that shows when copying CBT
  14. Improve layout of input tag has type required
  15. Monitor - Put option Toon op de homepage default on Active
  16. Remove generate monitor button in toetsen page
  17. Optimize select/preview contents layout in aanmeldform
  18. Resolved issue logic when toetsen got over number of times
  19. Apply new image selector function into Vragenlijst, Monitor
  20. Remove date text field in monitor vraag
  21. Improve layout of vraag page

Changes in v2.0.7.1 (31-10-2023)

  1. previous tasks and bugs fixes
  2. code refactoring for removing crea names
  3. remove redundant code and functions
  4. change a little bit interface
  5. show loading screen on form saving.

Changes in v2.0.7.0 (23-10-2023)

  1. Optimize new question in CBT
  2. Optimize start and end date to display contents for user
  3. Improve double header issue when toetsen is finished
  4. Refactor content deletion functionality on group page
  5. When homeblock has no content, hide it!
  6. Improve feature Terug in popup Mijn gegevens
  7. Add refresh function when closing Toets in home page
  8. Add ORGANISATIE in Aanmeldforms
  9. Sorting contents alphabetical in select tag
  10. Improving the layout admin
  11. Convert FOI to HPI name in leermodule
  12. Optimize search function in klantteksten
  13. IM: rename file does noet work
  14. Show loading icon when adding content to group and user page
  15. Imagemanager: simplefy names
  16. Improve name split page in admin
  17. Improve style in Vragenlijst

Changes in v2.0.6.9 (28-09-2023)

  1. Planner items get deleted and not archived
  2. Timeslot - Correct click position
  3. Superadmin is only for our IP to set
  4. Checkbox Monitor "Show on Homepage" does not work
  5. Confused column in Vragenpools
  6. Add begin and end date to content when given to user / group
  7. Make option to redo vragenlist in Leertraject
  8. Add option to sort on first name also
  9. Make all buttons on one row
  10. Improving ImageManager
  11. Adding content to pool in reverse order
  12. Skip create pools steps
  13. Improve lay-out planner
  14. Fix layout head of Klant teksten
  15. Correct Dutch message when changing password
  16. Change sorting
  17. Improve Ux Ui
  18. Pop up in timeslot
  19. Add calender field

Changes in v2.0.6.8 (21-08-2023)

  1. CBT-Edit: Background image with video is not on the right place
  2. Chat save function: Make it go to redirect correct page
  3. Group: Create group information icon in the list group
  4. Organization: Make text right corner changeable
  5. Vragenlijst & Toetsen: Style the link in the question
  6. Group: Remove user out of list when that user is selected
  7. Preview leertraject: Make layout and logic in the preview and front-end are same

Changes in v2.0.6.7 (12-07-2023)

  1. Improve function view more in block Rapportages
  2. Investigate Copying VL within a CBT
  3. Check when reset LT
  4. Correct text after import user
  5. Lower the save-alert
  6. Icons in container
  7. Correct column Naam in Content Toegang list
  8. Certificaat: Date picker
  9. Matrixvragen: Optimize layout
  10. Improve autofill NAAM
  11. Continue CBT from within LT

Changes in v2.0.6.6 (16-06-2023)

  1. Add helptext to voorwaarden voor beschikbaarheid
  2. Improve interface 'Deelnemers toevoegen'
  3. Portfolio: Add waiting icon/animation
  4. Change notation of date in Portfolio
  5. Tekst improvement
  6. Certificaat: Date should be a datefield with datepicker
  7. Certificaat: Add preview option
  8. Make the resizing field import users working
  9. Change text and look in 'Verander wachtwoord' option
  10. Text error in Toets field
  11. Fix problem certificate missing data at first start

Changes in v2.0.6.5 (20-05-2023)

  1. Home: don't show our own ip's
  2. Set new aanmeldforms default to active
  3. Add "no break" to icons
  4. Speed up groepen
  5. Correct text log timeline
  6. Problem change role for user 10226 - dinsdag
  7. Adding existing user to group
  8. BUG: Adding existing user in group
  9. Why does background in VL in CBT not show?
  10. Labels on container does not work with VL
  11. Fix problem with continuing a VL with routing from container
  12. AutoArchive planners
  13. Remove digits in aantal punten nodig voor slagen
  14. Remove text on screen when uploading excel
  15. Change asp-name function new toets
  16. Make help for uploading Excel in toetsen_wizzard
  17. Change action after click on toetsen_wizard
  18. Add button 'Nieuwe toets met wizard' to toetsen
  19. Remove button 'nieuwe vraag'
  20. Error when trying to upload excel-file
  21. Redirect after upload excel in toetsen wizard
  22. Change action after click on button toetsen (back)
  23. Change name of first field in new planner
  24. Fill every field seperatly
  25. Change / delete buttons on timeslot page
  26. Change name button on Planner-page
  27. Check and change name in Excel-file
  28. Change name 'Time Slots'
  29. Change Slot in Tijdvak
  30. Sorting of planner should always be chronological
  31. Change color of planner item when in past
  32. DINSDAG - Website privilege not working
  33. DINSDAG - Add newsletter to
  34. DINSDAG - Onepager: Add sharing buttons
  35. DINSDAG - Remove Arrows
  36. DINSDAG - Change title of overview page
  37. DINSDAG - Improve spacing between title and body the same in the list
  38. DINSDAG - Change titles
  39. DINSDAG - Contact in main menu got error
  40. DINSDAG - Reconstruct Onepager structure
  41. DINSDAG - More space under posts and add share buttons
  42. DINSDAG - Let styles in CKeditor match with frontend

Changes in v2.0.6.4 (23-03-2023)

  1. Unclear voortgang group
  2. Improve popup position
  3. Check and Improve responsive in admin
  4. Improve preview feature of Leertrajecten
  5. Improve bad image url
  6. Make impossible to mail to dissabled users
  7. Create function copy vraag from Vragenlijsten to other Vragenlijsten
  8. Participants in subgroups
  9. Presentie doesn't work the correct way
  10. Resolved the problem cannot delete vragenpools
  11. Make the select tags HTML bigger
  12. Group - Wrong numbrers of user in the overview page
  13. Check Copyrightsettings everywere
  14. Create option checkbox certificate for Toetsen
  15. Add organization field to userpage
  16. Add 3rd theme color
  17. Planner: Make option to not show names
  18. Planner: Add checkboxes for mass deletion
  19. Footer - Change creapolis to Tools-for-change
  20. Improve organization option
  21. Control-P has to open printpage
  22. Improve responsiveness post.asp, dinsdag
  23. Change correct text in monitor
  24. Make 'Show parents only' button for each content-type
  25. Change order en rename items in klantinstellingen
  26. Change link to go to the mainpage of the Leertraject
  27. Change correct link for button back to Reflectieteam
  28. Appointment list on home is showing items in the past
  29. Closing LT-user connection
  30. Popup and refresh function don't work
  31. Problem in TOETS scores and finishing
  32. video youtube keeps playing after next question
  33. Search in Groups does not work
  34. The dates issue of ContentToegang
  35. Improve and test mail / gem
  36. Notification stays in bell-icon
  37. Correct layout in questions
  38. Fix problem image background CBT doesn't work anymore
  39. Check for spaces in usernames
  40. Wrong alignement Matrix questions
  41. Roles can see super admin
  42. Remove background-image when that block isn't exists text
  43. Remove all contents of group at home when that group is archived
  44. Improve layout Presentielijst in planner
  45. Organization page - buttons don't work
  46. Change right color of save button planner
  47. Match the number of users in groups and subgroups
  48. COOKIE ALERT; make smaller and less invasive
  49. Error on Organisatie-page
  50. View courses only when group is active
  51. View courses when leertraject is visible
  52. Change text in report of toets
  53. Create option multi language for text in media
  54. Relocate and change text in vragenlijst
  55. Improve lay-out of scoren en afronden
  56. Add Remove button to availability condition
  57. Repair double condition
  58. Check conditions for ending LT
  59. Add toets / VL to portfolio
  60. Make it possible to add row for articles
  61. Add posts/news to cms of one-pager
  62. Add page 'klachtenregeling'
  63. Make show date optional
  64. Sort articles on newest date first
  65. Don't show slider of onepager in articles categories
  66. Vragen - search for any data that contain the search key
  67. Oder sorting vragenlijst by alphabet
  68. Dinsdag: Link contact to contact form
  69. Dinsdag: Invert logic of buttons
  70. Dinsdag: Add Azure Active Directory button in inlog
  71. Dinsdag: Editted the Footer
  72. Dinsdag: Add an other layout for team
  73. Dinsdag: Make contact form on onepager
  74. Dinsdag: Make SVG from icons
  75. Dinsdag: Sliders are not working
  76. Dinsdag: Strange code error in Teams Onepager

Changes in v2.0.6.3 (29-11-2022)

  1. Improve overview deelnemer
  2. Translate text of pop-up message in toetsen – eigenschappen
  3. Add vink for piece of content WITH or WITHOUT certificate
  4. Make reflectieteams realy part of e500
  5. Import deelnemers improvement
  6. Improvement AAP
  7. Correct typo in timeline
  8. Aanmeldform - Show leermodule which added on hompage
  9. Correct alignment icons in top bar
  10. Fix prolem Delete button not working
  11. Check size image in presentielijst
  12. Improve layout presentielijsten
  13. Add singleselect option THUMBS
  14. Strange problem with colorpicker
  15. Video position in vragenlist
  16. Aanmeldformulieren: Always start with clean new account

Changes in v2.0.6.2 (14-10-2022)

  1. Improve aanmeldform
  2. Improve layout planner
  3. Privileges, check for imrpovements and bugs
  4. Improve size of inputboxes in edit vragen
  5. Fix error when delete user
  6. Make function auto download pdf in Tijdlijn
  7. Improve layout presentielijsten
  8. Improve layout Tijdlijn
  9. Remove Docent Row in presentielijsten
  10. Create option multi language for block HTML cbt
  11. Make mail notification for chat
  12. Create option multi language for Functie geinterviewde
  13. Create option multi language for Meerdere video's
  14. Create option multi language for menu in LT

Changes in v2.0.6.1 (15-09-2022)

  1. Improvement security E500
  2. Remove Enquete
  3. Progress bar on home should be the same
  4. Improve layout LT
  5. LT-tile with AAP progress
  6. Progress Toets with score
  7. Place this image in login for all pwyp-domains
  8. Change allert tekst
  9. Change text edit vraag
  10. Add field to edit vraag
  11. Change in GEM
  12. Add vink for piece of content WITH or WITHOUT certificate
  13. Missing color in kennisbibliotheken
  14. Show English for title's item in LT
  15. Check profile image
  16. Planner: wrong order

Changes in v2.0.6.0 (26-08-2022)

  1. Reactivate certificate
  2. Make it impossioble to choose Enquete in Edit CBT
  3. Check wizzard toets
  4. Connect content CBT to monitor
  5. Connect content LT to monitor
  6. Add search function to contentpool
  7. Size icon certificate all the same
  8. Change style labels in popup
  9. Translate text of pop-up message in toetsen - eigenschappen
  10. Advanced Rechten mbt Vragen
  11. mixup 2 fields when using content toegang
  12. Naam onderhoud is empty in group detail
  13. Make copy of _uploads.asp
  14. Make new page inbox.asp
  15. Add 2 options for all domains
  16. Connect option ‘Mail Notification’ to ../inbox.asp
  17. Connect option ‘Portfolio’ to ../portfolio.asp
  18. Select icons for Mail Notification and Portfolio
  19. Add alt-text for hoover over icon
  20. Connect page to icon
  21. Build a new Portfolio table
  22. Improve layout portfolio in page preview Vragenlist
  23. Make portfolio pop-up
  24. Change lay-out portfolio pop-up
  25. Change behavior when pressing Archive- button
  26. Change the way to show uploads
  27. Sort by date doesn't work like it should
  28. Toestsen support for groep
  29. Complete toetsen handing out for user

Changes in v2.0.5.9 (22-7-2022)

  1. Content-tab -Place all blocks in same order
  2. Improve overview deelnemer
  3. Change order in tab privileges user
  4. Make default color of content / cbt other then white
  5. Make link of content in group
  6. Add search possibility in dropdown on more places
  7. Improve layout of admin E500 for all responsive
  8. Create option multi language for Cbt and return button
  9. Improve view documents on home user
  10. Create check for attachment in GEM mail
  11. Popup of Rechten mbt deze Pagina is blank
  12. Fix problem function set dates VL's don't work
  13. Add option to send reminders to people who did not finish LT
  14. Improve FOI (CBT-edit)
  15. Change icon toetsen wizzard
  16. Improve Toetsen Wizzard: Introtekst and Uitrotekst
  17. Improve nieuwe toets wizzard
  18. Improvements Toets-wizzard
  19. Advanced Rechten mbt Vragen
  20. Don't go to new page after click
  21. Translate text of pop-up message in toetsen - eigenschappen
  22. Create funtion remove leerassortiment from user
  23. Create save message for block Poolvragen in dir blok
  24. Fix problem funtion share Toetsen for user get error
  25. Add menu on the top right
  26. Let preview pages use favicon of client
  27. Improve layout page Mijn gegevens
  28. Don't show document block without Documents

Changes in v2.0.5.8 (1-7-2022)

  1. Available options in Content Toegang - Only show main content was actived
  2. Add home_blok.asp to the dropdown and check other pages
  3. Create option multi language in LT
  4. Add button next-previous to edit poolquestions
  5. Improve GEM
  6. Improve open-close LeerElement in LT's
  7. Add info about connected LT's in Edit CBT
  8. Add search possibility in dropdown on more places
  9. Create option multi language for Cbt and return button
  10. add filesize for attachment gem mail
  11. Create check for attachment in GEM mail
  12. Create save message for block Poolvragen in dir blok
  13. Fix problem function create new templates get error

Changes in v2.0.5.7 (10-6-2022)

  1. Improve Deelnemers Toevoegen
  2. Create function add documents to a group
  3. Improve layout Attachment upload
  4. When archiving 1 group, also archive all subgroups of that group
  5. Create option multi language in LT
  6. Add button next-previous to edit poolquestions
  7. Disable Verwijderen button when 1 or more users are selected
  8. Optimize imageselector on all places in backend
  9. Improve advanced import users
  10. Set this vink default to on
  11. Make function to check and place users to MAIN-GROUP
  12. Disable all content from archived groups
  13. Improve logic backend

Changes in v2.0.5.6 (27-5-2022)

  1. Improve sorting Monitors in front-end
  2. Never handout same Document twice
  3. Creat a central overview all groups with invoice
  4. Add extra options flex-blok Home
  5. Add more types of content for Content Toegang
  6. Add posibility of adding image to content
  7. Improvements TOETS - AFRONDEN
  8. Improve layout a bit
  9. Add white block behind monitor (resulaten) block on home
  10. Improve option on toetsen
  11. Add searchfield in dropdown EDIT-LEERELEMENT
  12. Fix Toetsen Wizzard
  13. Add instruction to VL
  14. Add icon ! warning
  15. Fix problem Content monitor double on home
  16. Check and improve popup Toetsen and also content in popup
  17. Improve pop-up when open content from home
  18. Fix problem Progressbar not work
  19. Check and improve privileges LeerAssortiment
  20. Improve upload attachments GEM with special karacters
  21. Add attachment for GEMmail
  22. Improve Opslaan button in layout boxed
  23. Improvement interrface
  24. Explain why do we see the same content 4 times?
  25. Create save message in function nieuwe poolvragen.
  26. Make pop-ups from flexbox look the same
  27. Fix alignment with and without progress bar
  28. Implement introtext in content pool
  29. Change name in VL properties
  30. Remove DNS-check for AFRONDEN of toetsen
  31. Fix problems with HIP and ACCULADER
  32. Improve function copy LT
  33. Fix problem filter in monitor not working
  34. Fix problem Toest javascript in LT
  35. Fix problem missing feature VL's from home
  36. Make naam onderhood auto typing
  37. Change interface Pool-inhoud
  38. Solve problem function HERKANSEN not working

Changes in v2.0.5.5 (22-4-2022)

  1. Fix problem multi VL MC question explanation wrong
  2. Make toets/resulaat page same for all domains
  3. Redesign Leerelement page and remove gekoppelde afsprakenplannergroepen tab
  4. Check all Creapolis IP and remove or change into our IP
  5. Make option add users in maingroup and subgroup at once
  6. Button bar - Move verwijderen button ton right position
  7. Make it can go to edit next Item aftrr last item in Opdracht
  8. Add display-options for CBT on home
  9. Improve setting Monitor
  10. Add collumn Actief at deelnemers>group
  11. Clean up old code, backups etc..
  12. Check and improve problem that groups sometimes only have title
  13. Make same vink/option for handing out content
  14. Central overview all groups with invoice
  15. Make print report for 360
  16. Improve layout user edit
  17. Login Als restrictions
  18. Make video format option for Boxed
  19. improve normal add user to group
  20. Create option multi language in vragenlist
  21. Make sorting order content toegang pool in backend and frontend the same
  22. Layout problems with popup Content toegang
  23. Improve problem Tasks and privileges
  24. Fix problem Missing css deelnemer-edit
  25. Fix problem Multi language not work at somewhere
  26. Make text always fit in popup content toegang
  27. Improve layout aanmelden on develop
  28. Fix problem function create a new appointment for group get Error

Changes in v2. (12-3-2022)

  1. Improve filtering Monitor
  2. Make select trainer at group autosave in edit group
  3. Tijdlijsn & Dagdelen - Default sort items in the timeline by start-date
  4. Dagdeel Presentielijst - Change dagdelen in elementen
  5. Make uitgedeelde LTs update button green when active
  6. Fix problem the content is devided to 2 column on large screen
  7. Cheat mode VL's for our IP Change IP of Creapolis to OUR IP
  8. Fix bug progress Toets does not work
  9. Never handout Content-toegang to group twice
  10. Improve layout Toegangscode
  11. Improve layout IE browser
  12. Add options CBT in dropdown Content toegang
  13. Fix layout the inputs in popup Edit antwoord of de vraag
  14. Mobile view - Improve layout menu in LT
  15. Make icon on the verwijderen buttons alsway visible
  16. Improve layout aanmelden
  17. Improve sorting tables everywere
  18. Content for group - Only show main LT, don't show its child
  19. Fix some unavailable fields in group detail
  20. Add creation-date for sub-group
  21. Fix problem menu in cbt not work when its have sroll bar
  22. Fix bug not correct header after selecting Herkansing in Toets
  23. Vragenlijst - Make button fit on tittle
  24. Vragenlijst - Fix problem Text overlap
  25. Mobile view - Improve layout footer
  26. Mobile view - Varandaren wachtwoord - Adding scroll bar
  27. Fix bug function Verbergen not working
  28. Remove LT from group, all content belong to its are removed from user in that group
  29. Fix problem green bar not working in LT belongs to Aanmeldpagina

Changes in v2.0.5.4 (1-3-2022)

  1. Make GEM Default mails copyable Resize the height of logos in login page to 100 or less
  2. Import new users - Password must be at least 8 characters long to be valid
  3. Add remove-trainer-from-group button on group-page
  4. Improve layout subgroepen
  5. Fix problem footer is hidden (check all domains)
  6. Improve delete button on develop like production
  7. Inhoud - Fix layout into default page from 2 link edit opdracht
  8. Mobile screen - The notification must be displayed at the layer above the menu
  9. Bewerk Toets - Make edit button have the same hight and more space with the input
  10. Fix bug Download XLS
  11. Check inserts of css and js in klantteksten
  12. Mobile view - Make srollbar working in Two-Factor Authentication popup
  13. Double screen when open LT
  14. Available options in Content Toegang - Only show main content was actived
  15. Improved input fields for titles have only 1 line
  16. Aanmeldformulieren (production) - Add ID in list and add field "Date added" to the dbase
  17. Fix problem bewerken button was not working
  18. Fix bug The screen flickers for a short time every time we open a new cbt
  19. Fix bug green bar doesn't show correct progress
  20. Fix layout zoek (mogelijke) dubbelen page
  21. Add option color for button multilanguage (style cropdown)

Changes in v2. (28-1-2022)

  1. Let logo sticky on mobile be in the middle
  2. Fix bug for menus with few old items
  3. Mobile view - Improve layout menu in cbt

Changes in v2.0.5.3 (27-1-2022)

  1. Home admin - Remain name of button when it's hovered over
  2. Make the logo on login page sticky
  3. Made home-flex-box available for all E500 domains
  4. Rename of buttons in 2 types of content toegang (must be by klanttekst)
  5. Show an allert with summary when remove content from group
  6. Create dropdown to choose interface for CBT
  7. Check code and change Crea-Admin to T4C-Admin
  8. Improve frontend Leertraject section
  9. Create monitor 2 from CBT > Eigenschappen
  10. Improve layout: Wachtwoord vergeten
  11. Make Preview LT page from Backend look the same as frontend
  12. Make duration of renew-password-link longer
  13. Check style footer at front end
  14. Improved LT progress bar nicer
  15. LT at frontend - Add 10 pixel between subcontent and Start button
  16. Checkbox must shown checked when CBT had video
  17. Advance user import - Make its popup bigger
  18. Show superadmin toggler at deelnemer edit page
  19. Check & fix problem option of menu in CBT not working
  20. Make labels always visible
  21. Improve menu side bar in cbt
  22. Preview LT - Solid and dashed lines must lie on the same line
  23. Preview page - Make info button have default color of domain
  24. Preview page - Add Terug button like frontend
  25. Fix error in Aanmelden because of login.asp